Lum Sohpetbneng

Literally the ‘Navel of Heaven’ it is a place of pilgrimage for the Khasi people. Legend has it that on this spot a golden ladder connected Heaven and Earth, God and Man. This ladder was used by the sixteen huts and nest, to which the Khasi people belong, to go back and forth between their heavenly abode and earth and this period was known as the innocent golden age Sotti Juk. However, according to divine wish the Golden Bridge was severed and nine of the huts Khyndai Skum remained in the celestial abode while the seven other huts Hynniew Trep were destined to settle on earth as rulers of all divine creation, to live according to the Tenants of knowing oneself and one’s fellow beings knowing God the Creator (Tip Briew Tip Blei) knowing one’s own matrilineal lineage (Kur) and patrilineal lineage (Kha), (Tip Kur Tip Kha) and to earn righteousness (kamai la ka hok) in one’s lifetime.


Till today there exists foot imprints of varied sizes on the rocks near about the sanctum sanctorum on the summit of the peak.

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