Bandh to be relaxed Tuesday

TURA, MAR 16: The Garo National Liberation Army (GNLA) has relaxed the indefinite strike on Tuesday in Ampati constituency but decided to intensify its bandh from Wednesday onward.  The outfit had called for a bandh since March 9. The bandh was relaxed on Sunday as well.

The bandh has been imposed to protest the alleged “police highhandedness” and “fake encounters”.

The outfit in a release issued by joint publicity secretary Garo Mandei Marak stated that the bandh has been called off considering an appeal from a large number of students.

The indefinite bandh will resume again from Wednesday. The outfit has reiterated that the bandh will continue unless and until the erring officials responsible for Oragitok encounter is suspended.

On March 4, son of village headman, Sengbath Marak was killed in an encounter.

Condemning Shalom Meghalaya, the outfit said, “Shalom Meghalaya is too sweet but crooked in their hearts”, the release said.  It has also taken strong exception on A’chik Baptist Dalgipa Krima (ABDK), Baptist missionary organization of Garo hills for their judgment in condemning the ambush at Panda reserve forest, near Rongara, where four police personnel were killed last week.

The GNLA asked as to why ABDK failed to denounce the murder of five innocent victims killed at Mrigre village in West Garo hills and the alleged fake encounter at Oragitok. “Are police innocent according to their (ABDK) judgment and killings by them justified?” the outfit questioned.

The outfit also reiterated that they would take a strong note against persons responsible for defying the bandh call last week. “Action will be taken against them in appropriate time”, the release said.

The GNLA also informed that the bandh in Ampati would be intensified.

“We have instructed our area commanders to shoot at sight any vehicles supplying rations to Ampati, specially coming in from Mankachar, Assam”, the release added.

The outfit has cautioned leaders not to conduct public meetings. “We will blast off the ground place and gatherings if next time if they test with our patience”, the outfit warned.

However, during the bandh, hospitals, pharmacies, electricity department, milk van, students and authorities conducting examinations will be exempted, the release stated.- By Our Reporter


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