KHADC not anti- non tribal

KHADC CEM Ardent Basaiawmoit
KHADC CEM Ardent Basaiawmoit

SHILLONG, AUG 7: Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC) Chief Executive Member (CEM) Ardent Miller Basaiawmoit on Thursday said his Executive Committee (EC) is not ‘anti-non tribal’ but is doing its duty to ensure that any trade by non-indigenous community is carried as per law of the land.

Basaiawmoit statement follows apprehension that some vested interest are allegedly trying to mislead the people, especially the genuine non-indigenous people of the state, on the ongoing checking drives against illegal business establishments by the KHADC authority.

“I want to sent a clear message to all the genuine non indigenous business community of the region that the executive committee is in no way adopting any policy of ‘anti-non tribal’, but it is putting all effort to ensure that outsiders do not get to operate any illegal businesses in any parts of the council’s jurisdiction,” Basaiawmoit told reporters.

Basaiawmoit said in fact the executive committee by carrying out such checking drive in a way protects the genuine non-indigenous people who are citizens of the state and have been carrying out their businesses in the region for many years. He said, “They should not doubt the intention of the council.”

Urging the genuine non-indigenous community to extend cooperation and support to the council, Basaiawmoit said, “They should also help us in identifying such people who are  trying to exploit the situation.”

Basaiawmoit  assured that the door of the council is always open for the genuine non-indigenous to discuss any problem because the present EC  doesn’t have any intention to harass them in whatever manner.”

The KHADC has closed down many of illegal business establishments and evicted hundred of illegal hawkers from Iewduh market after they failed to obtain the trading license for operating business from the council.- By Our Reporter


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  1. 2
    Rahul Das

    This is complete hogwash. We all know the truth. Who is mr ardent trying to fool here? It had been going on for ages. And it will continue until Meghalaya self destructs itself. I am okay with routing out illegal traders but the way things are actually being carried out on the market leaves a lot to be desired. Non tribals always were and will always be second class citizens of Meghalaya even if they were residing here for the past 100 years on this very soil.

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