MRSSA is operational in original form

SHILLONG, SEP 20: Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma on Wednesday said the Meghalaya Residents Safety and Security Act (MRSSA) 2016 is operational in its original form.

In his reply to a starred question tabled in the Assembly here, Sangma said that the measures taken by the government to implement the Act includes constitution of district task force in all districts and the launching of webportal https// to allow landlords to furnish information on the tenants as per the provisions of the MRSSA, 2016.

He informed that selection of seven localities on pilot basis under Shillong urban area viz Nongrim Hills, Pohkseh, Nongrah, Nongmensong, Lapalang, Riat Laban and Wahdienglieng for implementation in the first phase.

He added that training and capacity building of headmen and their support staff on how to make entries in the web portal has been conducted by the deputy commissioner, East Khasi Hills. 

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