No illegal mining: Conrad

SHILLONG, APR 19: Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma said there is no illegal mining going on in the state as of now.

“There was reassessment done for the coal because we have seen transportation is taking place but illegal mining is not going on in the state,” Conrad told reporters.

The chief minister also said that his Govt is trying to work with Government of India and trying to find the way forward and with NGT to find ways where mining could start again, even as he assures, that if permission given than mining will be done in a responsible manner.                              

“We are trying to work with Government of India and trying to find the way forward and with NGT to find ways where mining could start again and if it so happen that it starts again and if we are given permission and we manage to lift the ban than I can assure that mining will be done in a responsible manner,” Conrad said.

He further said, “Given right to mine do not come freely it comes with laws which need to be followed, there will be environmental laws, mining safety laws, there will be child labour laws beside others. all have to adhere to.”

By Our Reporter

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